A Ministry of End Time Church

The Home Church Initiative, or HCI for short, is a global home church networking ministry. We provide biblical oversight, resources, training, and networking for home church leaders. We model our home church concept from Acts 2:42-47, emphasizing biblical teaching, eating a communal meal, prayer, community development, and building lasting relationships. In so doing, we believe that each house church will experience growth to the measure that is reflected in Acts. We believe the traditional church model fails to build relationships between believers to the extent characterized by the early church. With the global COVID church building closures, many believers were unsupported by the traditional church system. We believe that the Home Church Initiative is a solution to the traditional church shortcomings.
Are you a current home church leader that wants to join a network of others like you? We would love to welcome you! Even if you currently have biblical headship over your home fellowship, we would still love to connect you with this growing global network of home church leaders. We feel the greatest value of HCI is networking with other home church leaders. We want to connect you with the network today.
Are you someone who wants to find a home church near you to attend? We can help! As our network expands, so does our ability to connect people with biblically sound home churches. Our networked locations are continuously expanding. If you see a location near you that you would like to attend, send us a message and we will get you in contact with a home church leader near you. Check back regularly to see if a new location has been added.
Perhaps the Lord is leading you to start a home church. We can help you take that step of faith and launch into home church ministry. Our network of home church pastors, resources, and tailored training programs will equip you to make a difference in your community.
To establish or network with a home church in every state and every country by November 2029.
To provide biblical headship, resources, networking, and training opportunities to autonomous home church leaders. In so doing, we will strengthen home church leader's calling, thus impacting the greater Body of Christ through sound biblical discipleship.
Our community is a network of global home church leaders. Everyone's experience, culture, and local community differs, but we all have Jesus at our center and a missional mindset as our drive. Together, we help make biblical disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our purpose is to establish biblical home churches characterized by biblical discipleship according to Acts 2:42-47. Such fellowships teach sound doctrine as is revealed in scripture, prayer, worship, community, and sharing meals together. We do not want to see believers growing fat on the Word but lean on application. Rather we emphasize the necessity of going into the community to share the Gospel in word and deed. We likewise encourage every home church member to actively make disciples. We are not called to make converts, but to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20). As such, it is the responsibility of each home church leader to be an imitator of Christ so that the people have an example of Christian life to likewise imitate.

Meet the Founder
Dr. Christopher Anderson, D. Min
My name is Chris Anderson, and I have been a Christ-follower since January 24th, 1993. I have a B.A. in Leadership and Ministry and an M.A. in Ministry with a concentration in Practical Theology from Ohio Christian University. I also have a Doctorate of Ministry with a strategic Christian ministry focus from Liberty University. I am the author of three non-fiction Christian living books, titled Back to the Basics: A Christian Boot Camp, Awaken: Arise, and A Haunting of America: A Demonologist's Take on American Spirits. I am the founder of Boot Camp Ministries, a discipleship and evangelism ministry based in Ohio. I am also the founder and organizer of Messiah Fest, a worship and healing event held for five years in central Ohio. I am the associate pastor of End Time Church, a first-of-its-kind fully-digital church, of which the Home Church Initiative is a ministry. I am a former Marine, having served two tours of duty in Afghanistan.
My heart desires that all would come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and that people would passionately chase after Him. There are no scholarly accolades, military service, or ministry accomplishes that amount to anything if they do not lead others to the cross. For it is at the cross where we find life, and the promise of His return where we find purpose. He gave me freedom. He can do the same for you.
If you would like to learn more about what we are doing here at the Home Church Initiative, please email me at anderson@endtime.church.