Each of us has different experiences with our unique home church. Different authors have published works that have encouraged us in our ministry journey. Share with us some resources that have helped you grow as a minister and Christ-follower. Let us know how those resources have inspired and encouraged you.

Just finding this space, so sorry to be way late to the conversation. Just wanted to add here probably the single most impactful book I read outside of the bible. I was already pretty well set on Home Church/Fellowship as the future of the Church from the end of 2019. In 2020 I followed along with another reading the book "The Call to Discipleship" by Juan Carlos Ortiz. This author tells of his experience in an environment where the pastor is the center of the church and is expected to be the one to do everything for all the members, and how after prayer and seeking God showed him that this "model" wasn't conducive to growing mature Christians but simply adding numbers of spiritual infants to the roll. It's not exactly "house church" but conceptually the same. That we are all called to be discipled then make disciples.